These officers are unfit to serve Canadians and must be fired immediate without pension rights. Disgusting behaviour clearly caught on camera where a serving police officer deliberately lies and falsity’s a charge against a Canadian citizen if these officers are not fired then the whole RCMP must all be criminals and no longer trusted or fit to serve Canadians under an oath they took upon appointment
Const. Greg Dumouchel displays clear symptoms of long-term anabolic steroid abuse. The prevalence of substance abuse among “Peace Officers” should be a greater cause for concern in our society.
No respect for the Charter of Rights or his oath. Police are amazing bit this guy gives all police shame. So Disguisting. Liar and so is his rcmp buddy who lied too saying Menzies was “aggressive ” and practically hitting everyone. Shame on both.
Who is the second cop in the suit who although yelled “get that camera out of my face” was available for photo-ops , he deserves the cowards opportunity.
You should do an update on the goofy oinker pig Dumouchel.…-reporter.html
A fragile little girl. She wouldn’t be able to arrest me.🐷
These officers are unfit to serve Canadians and must be fired immediate without pension rights. Disgusting behaviour clearly caught on camera where a serving police officer deliberately lies and falsity’s a charge against a Canadian citizen if these officers are not fired then the whole RCMP must all be criminals and no longer trusted or fit to serve Canadians under an oath they took upon appointment
The RCMP is a crooked, corrupt organization, they serve the globalist agenda and their puppets, not Canadians!
F**k The Corruptional Services Of Canada.
The people need too stand up an demand change.
I would like to see Greg talk about how to deal with bullies like him ,Trudeau and Freeland.
Our oinker’s e-mail could be Zero kickback and 90% of RCMP have e-mails like the above.
I have sent the bully coward an email. It won’t surprise me if I get a few cowards at my doorstep.
Let’s stop these criminals Canada! Let’s go!
Const. Greg Dumouchel displays clear symptoms of long-term anabolic steroid abuse. The prevalence of substance abuse among “Peace Officers” should be a greater cause for concern in our society.
He should be demoted to carrying bags across at Roxhall rd in quebec
just another thug with a badge showing that their rule over Canada is fundamentally illegitimate
No respect for the Charter of Rights or his oath. Police are amazing bit this guy gives all police shame. So Disguisting. Liar and so is his rcmp buddy who lied too saying Menzies was “aggressive ” and practically hitting everyone. Shame on both.
This RCMP is a sad excuse, and for many things. We have the video, which pretty much says it all.
Who is the second cop in the suit who although yelled “get that camera out of my face” was available for photo-ops , he deserves the cowards opportunity.